Sunday, April 13, 2008

Away for a while

I don't know why I haven't been on this blog for a while, or if anyone checks it anymore. I guess life happens. I have still kept up with prayers, just not blogging about them. We've done a lot of priority shuffling over the past year with our family and our faith at the top of the list. A member of the family asked for a prayer request and it has jogged me back to this blog. As usual I will cut and past in her own words.

I ask that you add Jacob Rowland to your prayer sight. He is the son of our counselor at school. He is 9 months old and they are not sure what is wrong, but he has some form of cystic fibrosis and is not absorbing food. They are considering a G-tube and of course I thought of all you have gone through. Their family could sure use some extra prayers.

I have a few prayers to add to that, some confidential. I know someone struggling in faith and finances - pray for them please. I pray that they will see becoming bogged down in what is of the world is a distraction. I pray that they will be able to return to God and turn over their worry to Him. We have found in the past that when we are honestly able to do this, answers come. Somehow, they come. That which seems impossible is possible. Help us pray for this person. On another completely different topic - some of you may have seen on the news the story of the young Florida wife and mother who was kidnapped, raped and murdered. This is a tragic story, even if it stops there, but it doesn't. Another motorist was on the phone with 911 dispatchers, following the suspect as the young woman beat on the windows of the back seat. The other motorist gave dispatchers the street name and direction the car turned off on and this information was never relayed to authorities who were searching for the car. Losing someone in this way must be devestating, but also knowing how close this tragedy came to being averted and a young woman saved...well I can't imagine. This story has stayed on my mind and hasn't left me. I have prayed for the young husband and his young boys. I am sure he can't pray for himself right now. That's all.