Thursday, September 25, 2008

I have a prayer request from the Hufty's, our Riley friends:

Please pray for the family of a friend of mine that use to teach with me. Her youngest son is Jack's age and nearly drowned Sunday. I do not have the latest update, but he is in critical condition. They are waiting to determine how much his brain has swelled to determine the extent of damage. Pray for healing for this little boy, courage and strength for his parents, and understanding for his 3 year old brother.
Jack is starting to feel better. Besides his feeding pump deciding to stop working Friday morning and the home health care company not being able to deliver a new until almost noon, not much else has changed. We are trying to take Jack's oral eating to the next step, so please pray all goes well and he doesn't lose too much weight. He did cut his third tooth this week.
As always, thanks for your continued prayers!

Also, please continue to pray for the Marks families. There is a benefit planned in November to help with expenses as Josh's cousin, Matthew goes through treatment for his brain tumors. Please pray for healing and that the benefit is a huge success.

I haven't specifically asked for anything pertaining to our little family lately, but we would like to ask for your prayers that we have an uneventful winter. I look forward to the change in seasons - love the cooler air and crisp, spectacular autumn colors. I love getting ready for the holidays, and making plans with the families. But there also looms another cold and flu season we need to get through. The doctors are pleased with Gabe's progress and haven't given us any dire warning or predictions as we dealth with a year ago, but there remains risk of the unknown where his lung function is concerned. That risk and worry is markedly reduced and we are so grateful, but it is still there. We have already had a round of illness with all three boys and weathered it fine - Gabe is getting over an ear infection to boot. It's encouraging to see how well everyone has been able to recover, but we hope the early round of bugs isn't forshadowing of a long winter. Flu shots are set for Monday, so hopefully we can get (and keep) everyone healthy by then. Thanks for continuing to keep us in your prayers. We would like very much to discontinue our ER visits!