Monday, August 11, 2008

Special Prayer Requests

First I want to request prayer for another DH family I just met over the phone tonight. We were introduced through Kaci, Josh's sister. Kaci called to speak with the mother and was astounded at the story she never expected to hear. Little Max was born in April with an undiagnosed left CDH. He was not doing well after birth and was transferred to Riley approximately three hours after birth. Fortunately he was born at Clarian West, just outside of Indy, or Mom feels things may have gone very differently. He went on ECMO at day 3, had his surgery the next week and ultimately went home at about 4 weeks old. We talked for almost an hour. Max's intestine, stomach, spleen were all twisted up and were brought out, untwisted and put back in place. He had some vocal chord paralysis and also deals with tracheomalacia. Because of these complications, he wound up with a trach, so this is a family with a lot to deal with. We had to go home with what felt like a lot of equipment, but they have twice as much. They are also dealing with a LOT of reflux - and that does sound familiar. We know they have a long road ahead of them, but we have hope to offer and share as we move forward. So many helped to pull us through and we welcome the opportunity to return the favor if called upon. Keep them in your prayers, the next winter will be especially challenging.

The next child I learned about through my Mom. One of the doctors that she volunteers with at the Hope clinic has a new grandbaby girl who is beautiful and special. She was born with a syndrome that essentially means part of her brain is missing. Lillie Grace has Dandy-Walker Malformation. Haven't had time to research it too much yet and haven't had contact with the family yet, except through Mom. Despite everything, she seems to be defying the odds and developing normally so far. Obviously there is a lot of uncertainty, but she has been born into a special family and has everything going for her. She has already touched many in her short life and is certainly destined to touch many more. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. I am pasting a portion of an update email Lille's mother sent out:

Hello family and friends,
We are so excited to send you this newest update. I must start by saying, PRAISE THE LORD!!. Lillie Grace has surprised all of her doctors. They can't find anything physically wrong with her through these first six weeks. She had her one month check up a couple of weeks ago and was doing everything a one month old is supposed to do. She is alert, smiling, pushing off on her feet, and eating all the time. She weighs 10 lbs. and 8 oz.! Her head and all of her other measurements are in the 75th percentile, which is awesome. We met with the neurologist this past Thursday and heard more good news. Dr. Boutiller looked at the MRI and confirmed the Dandy Walker but when she did her physical exam she could not find anything to be concerned about. We are not out of the woods yet but what a miraculous start!! We were concerned with what might happen but she told us not to look for trouble when there wasn't any. Our baby girl is truly a miracle and a blessing! I truly beleive that the prayers that have been lifted up are the reason for this wonderful update. We continue to ask for your prayers as the next few months are crucial to her prognosis. We love you all and will keep you posted as we continue on this journey. We look forward to seeing how God will use Lillie Grace in the future because we know she has a special purpose!
Love in Christ,
C. H.

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